Comprised of defense professionals in all stages of their careers, from senior to entry level, members of the military, Department of Defense contractors and government employees, our chapter serves as a resource for professional development, networking, and mentorship.
WID Membership Dues:
Individual, 1 Year Membership - $95
Individual, 3 Year Membership - $228 (20% discount)
Complimentary WID Government Membership - $0
WID’s membership includes:

Networking & Professional Development
A framework for networking that makes it easier to meet fellow defense and national security professionals at the national and local levels. Educational and professional development opportunities that are designed with consideration to time constraints of busy professionals.
Member Rates & NDIA Membership
Discounted member rates at Women In Defense and National Defense Industry Association (NDIA) events that save more than the price of WID membership dues. Membership to the NDIA, a $30 value, which includes a subscription to the monthly magazine, National Defense.
Giving Back & Scholarships
An opportunity to give back to the profession through educational and networking events, mentoring, and community service activities. Support the Women In Defense HORIZONS Scholarship Program, which has made 116 awards of more than $180,000 to deserving recipients pursuing education toward a career in national security since 1990.
Membership Directory
A Membership Directory offering a list of WID peers, and a WID member pin to distinguish your affiliation.
Career Services
A discounted rate for job vacancy postings through our Monster Career Services Portal— http://ndia.monster.com — to help connect job managers with qualified applicants. WID members have free access to job opportunity listings.
Join Now!
Please join WID online!
Or, complete the membership application form and send it to the address below, along with your membership fee. Checks and all major credit cards are accepted.
Women In Defense
2101 Wilson Blvd, Suite 400
Arlington, VA 22201-3060
Fax: 703-522-1885
Questions? Feel free to email our Director of Membership, Kris Acosta: krisacosta2@gmail.com