Women In Defense
Greater Los Angeles Chapter
Welcome to Women In Defense, A National Security Organization - Greater Los Angeles Chapter
We cultivate and support the advancement and recognition of women in all aspects of national security in the Los Angeles, Orange County, and surrounding areas.

For sponsorship interest and opportunities please contact us at widglac@gmail.com

Join the WID Greater Los Angeles Board!
Are you passionate about supporting women in defense and driving positive change? Exciting opportunities are now available for you to join the Board of the Women In Defense (WID) Greater Los Angeles Chapter (WID-GLAC)!
We invite you to nominate an outstanding leader, or even yourself, to serve as a member of the WID-GLAC Board of Directors. Serving on the Board offers a rewarding chance to engage deeply with WID-GLAC's leadership initiatives, helping to shape the future of women in defense.
Open Board Positions: we are currently seeking committed individuals for various board positions, each with a 2-year term. If you are a WID Greater Los Angeles member with relevant skills, a passion for leadership, and community-building, we encourage you to apply! In alignment with our core values, WID-GLAC is pleased to open nominations for the following positions on the Board of Directors.
Nomination Criteria and Submission:
All nominees must be current WID-GLAC members in good standing.
Nominations may be made by individuals, and self-nominations are welcome.
Nominations must be submitted by the close of business on October 31, 2024.
To submit your nomination or express interest in an appointed Board position, please send the following information to widglac@gmail.com
Name of WID member making the nomination.
Email address.
WID member number (if available, can be found on your National Defense magazine mailing label).
Best telephone number for contact.
To learn more about WID-GLAC and our mission, please visit our website. We thank you in advance for your interest and commitment to strengthening our organization!
Open Positions:
Vice President
The Vice President acts as the President’s substitute in their absence and performs any additional duties assigned by the President.
The Vice President is the President Elect and will assume the role of President after completion of their two-year term.
The Secretary’s responsibilities include:
Keeping accurate minutes of all board meetings.
Working closely with the President.
Bringing necessary documents to meetings, such as minutes, operating principles, membership lists, committee lists, and ballots.
Presiding over meetings in the absence of the President and Vice President until a temporary chair is elected.
Notifying officers, committee members, and delegates of their election or appointment.
Transferring all materials to the incoming Secretary and ensuring proper orientation.
Providing an updated slate of board members and their affiliations to the Chapter board and National Headquarters.
The Treasurer serves as the custodian of Chapter funds, responsible for the timely collection, deposit, and disbursement of Chapter monies. Duties include:
Obtaining necessary approvals for financial transactions in line with the operating principles.
Managing all Chapter bank accounts and ensuring proper authorization for disbursements.
Organizing audits of Chapter financial records.
Chairing the budget and investment committees and assisting with the preparation of the annual budget.
Keeping accurate and timely financial records, preparing quarterly financial reports, including balance sheets and income/expense statements.
Supporting the NDIA annual finance audit.
Regularly reviewing financial performance against the budget and recommending adjustments.
Ensuring a smooth transition to the incoming Treasurer by transferring all financial materials and providing orientation.
Director of Events
The Director of Events oversees the planning and execution of Chapter events, including:
Organizing Chapter meetings and programs.
Greeting attendees and facilitating introductions to enhance networking opportunities.
Director of Sponsorship
The Sponsorship Director is responsible for securing sponsorships to support Chapter operations. Duties include:
Engaging previous and potential sponsors to secure continued support.
Requesting in-kind contributions, such as venue space, banners, and giveaways.
Tracking sponsorship levels and benefits.
Maintaining records of sponsorship contributions and expressing gratitude.
Director of Membership
The Director of Membership promotes and maintains Chapter membership by:
Advocating for the benefits of WID membership year-round.
Assisting with member registration and renewals in coordination with WID National.
Leading membership drives.
Director of Special Projects
The Director of Special Projects handles specific tasks during the year as directed by the board or President.
Director of Communications
The Director of Communications promotes the Chapter’s activities and increases visibility through:
Creating and distributing promotional materials for events.
Regularly updating the Chapter website.
Utilizing member contact lists to enhance communication.
Public Relations Director
The Public Relations Director develops strategies to enhance WID GLAC’s public image. Responsibilities include:
Writing press releases and managing social media platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter).
Partnering with other organizations for event promotion.
Community Liaison
The Community Liaison fosters relationships with external organizations to support sponsorship, membership, and event attendance. Additionally, the Community Liaison leads military and NDIA activities to ensure consistent messaging.
Military/NDIA Liaison
The Military Liaison fosters relationships with local government and military organizations, while the NDIA Liaison focuses on collaborations with NDIA GLAC and WID San Diego to enhance support for the Chapter.
The Historian maintains records of the Chapter’s accomplishments and activities, including photographs and news articles.
STEM Chair
The STEM Chair is responsible for supporting STEM initiatives through sponsorships, scholarships, volunteer programs, and mentoring. They establish and meet goals to further these objectives.